EB5 Ready

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EB-5 Visa

There is a safe and reliable way to invest and obtain
permanent residence in the U.S.A.EB5 Ready makes it possible.
We have the experience that guarantees the result.

There is a safe and reliable way to invest and obtain permanent residence in the U.S.A. EB5 Ready makes it possible. We have the experience that guarantees the result.

EB-5 Visa Program History

In 1990, former President George H.W. Bush signed the EB-5 Immigrant Investor Visa Program into law. This visa category is intended for qualified foreign nationals seeking to obtain lawful permanent residence by investing in the US economy and creating at least 10 qualifying jobs in the US. The U.S. government allows only 10,000 EB-5 visas to be issued annually, including beneficiary family members.

Currently, the program is administered by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) under the Department of Homeland Security. The minimum required 'at risk' investment if made in a Target Employment Area (TEA), defined as a rural area or an area with an unemployment rate of 150% the average national level, or otherwise $1.05M. Additionally, the EB-5 investor must prove that the funds used for the investment were legally obtained and the funds must remain invested for a two-year sustainment period.

EB-5 Visa Process & Timeline

Use the U.S. immigration system to benefit your family.

Determine if the EB-5 Visa Suits Your Needs, and that you Qualify

Determine if the EB-5 Visa suits you and your family’s needs and priorities, and that you have the necessary funds to qualify.

Free 60-minute consultation

Pre-Qualify Your EB-5 Source of Funds First

Before wasting any money on unnecessary fees or getting emotionally attached to a project that won’t be available by the time your EB-5 immigration attorney actually finishes your case, the most important thing you can do is make sure you can provide the government the necessary source of funds documents for an approval. EB5 Ready provides a complimentary EB5 pre-qualification confirmation for its clients.

Free 60-minute consultation

Maximize EB-5 Immigration & Financial Risk Mitigation

Seek an independent EB-5 advisor to help perform a detailed analysis of the best possible projects to mitigate the EB-5 immigration and financial risk by choosing a solid project with diversified institutional sponsors.

From 15 to 30 days

EB-5 Immigration Attorney

Retain an experienced EB-5 immigration attorney and wait until they give you the green light to transfer any EB-5 capital to your selected project.

From 15 to 60 days

Subscribe, Fund & File

Sign necessary project offering documents, wire EB-5 capital to your selected project and your EB-5 immigration attorney sends your EB-5 I-526 petition to USCIS.

In 5 days.

Consular Interview or Adjustment of Status

After receipt of your EB-5 I-526, you can choose to wait for a consular interview or adjust your status inside the U.S.

From 52.5 to 80 months starting from May 2023. Adjustment of Status (within 6 to 9 months if concurrent filing is submitted after receipt of Form I-797).

Loan Model EB-5 Funds Returned

If loan model with selected project, EB-5 funds are returned with interest after a 5-to-7-year period.

From 5 to 7 years.


Investors Visa Comparison

Why you and your family will benefit exponentially more with an EB-5 investor visa than with an E-2 investor visa​.

Why you and your family will benefit exponentially more with
an EB-5 investor visa than with an E-2 investor visa​.

EB5 vs E2 Visa

Use the U.S. Immigration System
to Your Advantage

Let us help you understand your options so you can make informed decisionsfor what is best for you and your family.

Use the U.S. Immigration System
to Your Advantage

Let us help you understand your options so you can make informed decisions
for what is best for you and your family.

EB-5 & E-2 Investor Visas:

Key Differences

Temporary Work Visa Vs. Green Card with path to US Citizenship & Passport

E-2 is a visa, not a green card. It is a visa that can be obtained for 2 to 5 years and extended 2 to 5 years at a time indefinitely. It is a visa that allows children to go to public school, private school or university, often with in-state tuition. It is a visa that allows the spouse to work anywhere that he or she wishes in the U.S. However, it is still a visa. On the other hand, the EB-5 approval leads to a green card, which can lead to U.S. citizenship. Investors who wish to do so, can use their E-2 investment as a down payment for an EB-5 investment if they want to eventually qualify for a green card.

Fast Timing & Concurrent Filing Option to Move Tomorrow

The E-2 visa can be obtained quickly, usually within 2 months. There is no quota and therefore no backlog. With EB-5 concurrent filing, if one was in the U.S. after applying for their EB-5, one would adjust their status and obtain work and travel permits within 9 months while waiting for their approval.


Green cards obtained through EB-5 (and green cards obtained through any other category) subject the foreign national to worldwide income reporting. Both EB-5 and E-2 visa holders can avoid US taxation on worldwide income by reducing the number of days that they spend in the U.S. and maintaining their statuses.

Exact vs. Flexible Requirements

EB-5 has very exact requirements. In most cases, it requires an investment of $800,000 (or $1,050,000 in a non-TEA) and creation of at least 10 qualifying jobs for U.S. workers.

E-2 has no exact requirements. It requires a “substantial” investment, which is not defined by any specific dollar amount. Rather, it is defined by the amount necessary for the type of business in which the investor invests to be successful. Many E-2 investments are $200,000 or more, although in certain businesses it may be possible to show that a business can be profitable, employ people and expand with a smaller investment. Often, larger investments result in longer lasting and more profitable businesses.

The job creation requirement utilizes the same philosophy as the investment requirement. The E-2 investor’s business should employ people, but the amount of employment is dependent upon the type of business. Generally, the investor wants to prove, through a good business plan, that he or she will employ the normal number of employees necessary for similar businesses to succeed.

E-2 no tiene requisitos exactos. Requiere una inversión “sustancial”, que no está definida por ningún monto específico en dólares. Más bien, se define por la cantidad necesaria para que el tipo de negocio en el que invierte el inversionista tenga éxito. Muchas inversiones E-2 son de USD $200.000 o más, aunque en ciertos negocios puede ser posible demostrar que un negocio puede ser rentable, emplear personas y expandirse con una inversión menor. A menudo, las inversiones más grandes dan como resultado negocios más duraderos y rentables. 

El requisito de creación de empleo utiliza la misma filosofía que el requisito de inversión. El negocio del inversionista E-2 debe emplear personas, pero la cantidad de empleo depende del tipo de negocio. Generalmente, el inversionista quiere probar, a través de un buen plan de negocios, que empleará el número normal de empleados necesarios para que negocios similares tengan éxito. 

Place of filing

EB-5 petitions, like virtually all working visa petitions, must be approved by USCIS before an applicant can file for the visa at the U.S. Consulate. The E-2 is the exception. The E-2 applicant never has to file any application with USCIS, which has produced unprecedentedly restrictive interpretations in many working visa applications.  Rather, the E-2 application is filed directly at a U.S. Consulate, which may be a U.S. consulate in the country of birth, the country of citizenship (the U.S. Consulate in Barbados has jurisdiction over Grenada citizens), a U.S. consulate in a country of residence or any U.S. consulate anywhere in the world that is willing to take on the case.

Because there is no pre-approved petition by USCIS, the interview at the U.S. consulate is especially critical. It is for that reason that we prepare clients meticulously for the questions likely to be asked at the E-2 visa interview.

Debido a que no existe una petición preaprobada por USCIS, la entrevista en el consulado de EE. UU. es especialmente crítica. Es por esa razón que preparamos meticulosamente a los clientes para las preguntas que probablemente se harán en la entrevista de la visa E-2.

Country of Birth vs. Country of Citizenship

EB-5 is available for people born in any country around the world. The quota is based on country of birth, not country of citizenship. The E-2 is based on the country of citizenship. Since there is no investment treaty between the U.S. and China for example, people born in China are not eligible for the E-2 visa unless they obtain citizenship in a country that has an investment treaty with the U.S. The only country in which citizenship can be obtained relatively quickly (usually within 4 months) based on investment, and which has an investment treaty with the U.S., is Grenada.

Because there is no pre-approved petition by USCIS, the interview at the U.S. consulate is especially critical. It is for that reason that we prepare clients meticulously for the questions likely to be asked at the E-2 visa interview.

Debido a que no existe una petición preaprobada por USCIS, la entrevista en el consulado de EE. UU. es especialmente crítica. Es por esa razón que preparamos meticulosamente a los clientes para las preguntas que probablemente se harán en la entrevista de la visa E-2. 

Ownership of Business

EB-5 does not require any specific percentage ownership of a business in the U.S. The E-2 visa does require that the investor own at least 50% of the business in which he invests in order to qualify as an E-2 investor. As mentioned earlier, spending less time in the U.S. may avoid taxation on worldwide income and there are effective tax mitigation strategies that a qualified tax attorney or pre-immigration tax attorney could help with.

Because there is no pre-approved petition by USCIS, the interview at the U.S. consulate is especially critical. It is for that reason that we prepare clients meticulously for the questions likely to be asked at the E-2 visa interview.

Debido a que no existe una petición preaprobada por USCIS, la entrevista en el consulado de EE. UU. es especialmente crítica. Es por esa razón que preparamos meticulosamente a los clientes para las preguntas que probablemente se harán en la entrevista de la visa E-2.